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Chasing Deposits in a Liquidity Crisis

Is your bank looking for ways to improve deposit growth? This This eBook discusses strategies and approaches for consideration, and shares how Q2 PrecisionLender can help.

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By analyzing the practices of the Deposit Expanders and the Deposit Contractors among our Q2 PrecisionLender clients, we uncovered these winning strategies. Here are some:

  • First, deposit strategy is part of a broader pricing culture that provides leadership commitment, supports banker empowerment, and fosters key behaviors
  • Appropriate measurement of outcomes is a must, and ECR and service calculations are key in securing the operating account that works for the depositor
  • Equipping RMs—as well as other departments within the FI that have a vested interest in how commercial deals are structured—with the tools they need to make informed decisions is a critical component of the Deposit Expanders’ success