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Global Team Member Spotlight: Eugenio Serrano

Q2 Senior Financial Analyst Eugenio Serrano lives and works in Mexico, contributing to Q2's global team spanning the United States, Mexico, India, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Eugenio recently offered an insightful glimpse into his experiences and the dynamic work environment at Q2. 

What drew you to work at Q2?  

Q2 is the first international company I have worked for, so it was a little scary at first. However, the great attitudes of the people who interviewed me played a significant role in seeing just a glimpse of what Q2 was going to be all about. Secondly, I remember watching a video from our Chairman Emeritus Hank Seale explaining his backstory, Q2’s origin, mission, and values; he really struck me as a very down-to-earth guy that genuinely wanted to help people and their communities. I had a strong hunch that if the person that was on the very top was like that, everybody else inside the organization would mirror his example. 

What has surprised you about Q2? 

At the risk of sounding a little cliché, I have to say the teamwork. I cannot stress enough how Q2 team members are willing to give you a hand, even if it is your first time talking to them. As an international employee, I was honestly expecting to have a more challenging time adjusting and interacting with people from other countries. To my surprise, everyone at Q2 is very understanding, tolerant and collaborative and geographic distance barely seems like a factor. Even though we are operating in multiple countries, it feels like we are just one big team without borders. 

You were named a winner of Q2’s Circle of Awesomeness (COA) Awards— what was that experience like?  

I was honestly shocked to hear I had won! When I first heard I was even nominated, I was at the Monterrey airport on my way to Austin. My friend and teammate Gustavo, who was traveling with me, told me unexpectedly that I was being nominated as “Rookie of the Year. I responded, “Me estas tomando el pelo, verdad?” (“Are you pulling my leg?”) Just being nominated was a huge deal, and I wanted to share that happiness with my team. Later, at the COA Awards when they called out my name I experienced a roller coaster of emotions. I felt thankful for everyone that supported me since starting at the company and happy with my decision to work at Q2. 

What kinds of career growth opportunities does Q2 offer?

One of the things I like about working at Q2 is that you feel that you get returns on what you invest into your career. In my time here, I have seen a lot of change. And like one of our guiding principles states, “Change is good.” People here are really invested in Q2. That sense of investment can yield significant growth at some point in their careers. Q2 is the kind of company where leaders continually focus on ensuring the right person is in the right job, and that means no effort goes unnoticed.  

Q2’s mission is to build strong and diverse communities by strengthening their financial institutions. How does this resonate with you personally? 

Q2’s mission really synchronizes well with me, not only because I like the idea of doing what I love as a way of life, but also actually seeing our impact on Q2 customers and communities really motivates me to deliver 110% every day.  

How would you describe Q2’s culture? 

That is an easy question to answer. Q2’s culture is simply the best. It is clear to me that Q2 values all its employees, regardless of their gender, location, sexuality, or beliefs and celebrates that same diversity amongst them. Being part of the Latin community that works for Q2, I am eager to keep sharing my traditions, while continuing to learn from my colleagues around the world.