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National Volunteer Month: What Does Volunteering Mean to You?

In recognition of National Volunteer Month in the U.S., we are highlighting thoughts from Q2 team members on what volunteerism means to them. 

Leadership, Confidence, Empathy and Compassion 


Angela Leong
Senior Customer Experience Manager and Trainer 

How have Q2’s community efforts changed over the years? 

The focus and commitment to community service and volunteering at Q2 have been amazing over the last few years. I remember when we only had a few community service advocates and limited volunteering events. Now, volunteerism is an integral part of our identity as a company. Under Q2 Spark, Q2’s corporate social responsibility program, service and volunteerism is consistently promoted, and we can donate funds to the organizations we support. There are so many ways to give back to our communities, no matter where you live and work. The best part is that we are encouraged to participate through fun and meaningful activities, such as the annual Q2 Dodgeball Tournament benefiting JDRF (Juveline Diabetes Research Foundation), the “12 Days of Giving” each December and more.  

What do you teach your children about volunteering? 

I have three children—two sons and a daughter—and they are all passionate about volunteering. Even in college and beyond, they continue volunteering at organizations they care about. I’ve instilled in them from a young age that giving back is something you do, and although you may not see or feel it, your time and effort will make a difference in someone’s life. Through volunteering, my children have learned leadership, confidence, empathy and compassion for others. I often tell them it is more rewarding to give than receive, and I know they all understand and appreciate that now.   

Who is a volunteer you admire?  

I really admire my daughter for her dedication to volunteering and helping others. She has a very rigorous and busy high school schedule, but she makes time to volunteer at the local children’s museum each week. She’s been doing this for a few years and has even created a program at the museum called “Music and Movement” to help kids be active and creative by learning about sports and music—which is especially important after COVID. She was recently recognized as Volunteer of the Year for her efforts. In addition to the museum, she tutors at school, volunteers at the Food Bank with me, and created a free food pantry in our town to raise awareness for food insecurity. I am very proud of her!  

Leave Your Campsite Better Than You Found It


Teresa Bobadilla 
Senior Manager, Product Management 

How have Q2’s community efforts changed over the years? 
The focus on community development and supporting employees volunteering their time has grown significantly at Q2 over the past few years. In particular, the introduction of flexible PTO has allowed me to balance my volunteer work and vacation time, so I don't have to choose between the two. Moreover, Q2 provides team members a great tool to discover volunteer opportunities for those who still need to be affiliated with an organization. 

Who is a volunteer you admire? 
The adult volunteers of our Scouts BSA troop continue to volunteer long after their own children have transitioned out of the program. One individual has facilitated Grand Canyon hikes almost every year for nearly 20 years, providing scouts with unique experiences they will never forget. He had a profound influence on all three of my boys during and after their time in the program.ami

What do you teach your children about volunteering? 
Volunteering is a big part of the scouting program. We do a service project with almost every campout and teach the scouts the importance of paying it forward for future scouts to have similar opportunities. We have a saying in our unit—leave your campsite better than you found it.  

Taking the Time to Give Back 


Greg Varnell 
VP, Product and Development 

How have Q2’s community efforts changed over the years? 

Q2 has always focused on the communities in which we work and the communities our customers serve. There have been many changes since I have been here, but the foundation of service and volunteering has remained constant. The most significant change has been the resources available to give back to our communities, from the size of donations and volunteer capacity. We have also seen tremendous growth in the Q2 footprint worldwide, so more communities have been impacted by our focus on giving back. 

Who is a volunteer you admire? 

I admire every volunteer who gives their time, energy, effort and dollars to those in need. Seeing their desire to help and give back is so motivating to me. Their availability of time and financial standings all differ, so their ability to contribute also differs. But, to me, the single mom who works two jobs but still delivers food on Sunday as a volunteer is motivating and inspiring. Anyone who gives their time, one of life's most precious resources, gets my respect.   

What do you teach your children about volunteering? 

My kids have taught me as much as I have taught them about volunteering. They have tremendously generous hearts and care deeply about those around them. Their willingness to help others on a whim inspires me.